Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Happiness is a little red planter

It doesn't take too much to make me happy.  1/2 inch of rain. A little red planter.  25,000 plants delivered safely from the man in brown to my front porch (from a very nice Amish farmer in PA whom I've never met --but I really like him, and the Amish.  They know how to work.  Cooperatively to produce great stuff and still remain tried and true to their principals, or is it principles? because there is a difference.  I just want to be on the right side of that!.

This year we have invested more, in fact we are fully vested, in farming.  Last year was our worst year, ever.  But rather than run, we have turned, around, to face it.  (And embrace it).  And put some more of  our, money, a lot of it ,almost all of it, into farming (it's still been a losing proposition, at least on the books, but a great tax break (that is the little dirty secret (and there is a lot of dirt) of farming)). So, where are we putting it?

Seeders, first and foremost.  Red ones.  Little ones.  But bigger than what I was using.   I was using the earthway seeder. And it works so well.  I hate to give it up (and I probably won't).  But we needed to move on up to more more productive activities. And so, we researched seeders.  There are better ones than  we were using (compliments?) of the Korean government.  North or South I am not sure.  But sure I am that either they thought it in their best interest to think of agriculture, first and foremost, rather than bankers and finance.  No food  No good. So, rather than spend $16 trillion and no, I'm not kidding about this! they (north or south, does it matter?) decided to make a great little red planter for those hick farmers. Like me.  And they named it Jang. A beautiful little seeder.  And it does work well.  For most seeds. (lettuce, spinach, kale, cilantro, carrots, kale, collards).  For many seeds. Not just for all seeds (beets, pelleted (another post) lettuce. 

And, that, is the conundrum. of all small farmers, like me.  It takes so much equipment to make it all work...from those little itty bitty lettuce seeds planted three rows 12 inches apart to those squash seeds planted one row six, feet apart. I can understand, quite perfectly, why a farmer would choose mono-croppinng.

But it's cute isn't it?    The little Jang seeder.

1 comment:

Jenny Rottinger said...

Nice! I'm of course planting my tiny garden one seed at the time but it's worth it!